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tensorflow tensorflow-serving

What is the release schedule for tensorflow-serving?

发布于 2020-03-27 10:26:26

I didn't want to make an issue for this on github because it didn't seem appropriate as this isn't a bug-

I can't find any documentation for the release schedule of tensorflow-serving. Tensorflow 1.14.0 is out, but the last serving release was 1.14.0rc0. I'm sure TF-Serving 1.14.0 will follow shortly, but it would help me greatly to know when. I see some variance between previous tensorflow release dates and corresponding tensorflow-serving releases. Is there a release schedule somewhere? Or else a mailing list? There doesn't seem to be a TF SIG group for serving.

KRish 2019-07-03 22:58

From @WilliamD.Irons - looks like there is a google group for TensorFlow Extended, which includes serving. As for the TFServing release schedule-

...the goal is to closely follow TF's release schedule.

from https://groups.google.com/a/tensorflow.org/d/msg/tfx/A_qfIooNGsk/iayJ5D6cCgAJ