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javascript react-native

React Native KeyboardAvoidingView covers last text input

发布于 2020-03-27 15:39:21

I'm using React Native's Keyboard Avoiding View with the behavior set to padding (testing on Android).

I have multiple TextInputs on my screen. When I click the final TextInput, the keyboard covers it. I am now able to scroll down due to padding added from KeyboardAvoidingView, but it would be ideal to have it auto scroll on focus.

  <KeyboardAvoidingView behavior='padding'>
    <TextInput placeholder='Example 1' />
    <TextInput placeholder='Example 2' />
    <TextInput placeholder='Example 3' />
    <TextInput placeholder='Example 4' />
    <TextInput placeholder='Example 5' />
    <TextInput placeholder='Example 6' />
    <TextInput placeholder='Example 7' />
Molly Harper
farmcommand2 2018-01-03 06:54

there is prop called keyboardVerticalOffset that you can pass to the KeyboardAvoidingView that will change how much the keyboard moves past the textInput. Sample of my code:

const keyboardVerticalOffset = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 40 : 0

    return (
      <KeyboardAvoidingView behavior='position' keyboardVerticalOffset={keyboardVerticalOffset}>
        <ListView .../>