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Facebook social login shows conflicting information AND javascript SDK is buggy?

发布于 2020-04-13 09:40:45

I am using code directly from facebook docs: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/javascript/quickstart/

        //this gets called immediately after sdk.js loads 
        window.fbAsyncInit = function() {

                appId            : '12345...MYIDHERE...6789',
                autoLogAppEvents : true,
                xfbml            : true,
                version          : 'v5.0'

            //check if user is logged in...
            FB.getLoginStatus(function (response) {   
                    console.log('initial-check:', response);

        //check if user is logged in... - AFTER facebook Login Popup returns.
        function callback_afterLogin() {
            FB.getLoginStatus(function (response) {   
                console.log('callback_afterLogin:', response);
    <script async defer src="https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js"></script>

    <div class="fb-login-button" 


The fb-login-button renders as 'Log Out', which indicates to me the button detects I am already logged into Facebook AND also into the App itself.

The problem is the FB.getLoginStatus() response.status === 'unknown' ! Why ? I would have expected it to show 'connected'. The button clearly knows I am connected, why then the status contradicts this.

enter image description here

Furthermore, I then logout, and the button changes to 'Log in with Facebook'; then I attempt to log back in, which shows the Facebook Popup window; Upon entering the correct email/password combo, and clicking Login, I end back at my App's page, BUT the onlogin callback function (onlogin="callback_afterLogin") FIRES TWICE ! The first time, it shows the correct [status: "connected"] but the second time it shows [status: "unknown"], giving the appearance that I am logged out. There should be no reason for it to fire twice ?!

enter image description here

Furthermore, there is a .toLowerCase() error originating from the facebook sdk.js (see second screenshot).

joedotnot 2019-12-18 18:39

You will still be able to use HTTP with “localhost” addresses, but only while your app is still in development mode.

The above quote comes from facebook staff from a blog post at https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2018/06/08/enforce-https-facebook-login/

I was relying on it to be truthful, but apparently IT SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED and is the cause of the weird behaviour documented in my question.

As soon as I started using HTTPS ( https://localhost ), the sdk library behaves better:

  • initial status is now "connected"
  • callback still fires twice, but both times status is "connected"

A new error message appears in-between the firing twice callbacks:

You are overriding current access token, that means some other app is expecting different access token and you will probably break things. Please consider passing access_token directly to API parameters instead of overriding the global settings.

I tweaked the code slightly, thinking this would fix the firing twice problem:

//check if user is logged in... - AFTER facebook Login Popup returns.
function callback_afterLogin(response) {
    //REMOVED FB.getLoginStatus call, added `response` parm to callback signature
    console.log('callback_afterLogin:', response );

BUT it did not make a difference, still fires twice in succession, with error message in between. Please post your solution if you know why it fires twice.

ALSO NOTE the .toLowerCase() error remains, under certain conditions.