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How wait that Run (from OperatingSystem library) is performed before to do the next step?

发布于 2020-03-28 23:13:40

I have one test case (TC1). This test case call with the command Run robot -t TC2 mytestsuite.robot another test case (TC2).

However, TC2 is performed only at the end of TC1, not at the moment where it is called.

We can see that on logs. Call is done at 10:21:55.870 but the command is executed only at 10:23:21.463.

The algorithm looks like:

Some actions
Run    robot -t TC2 mytestsuite.robot
Some actions 2

Here Some actions 2 are performed before Run robot -t TC2 mytestsuite.robot. How wait that the run is performed before to do the next step?

Do you have any idea how to fix that?

Royce 2020-01-31 19:53

The solution is to put called test cases in another project.