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Why won't my query in a dynamic SQL work as intended?

发布于 2020-03-27 10:17:39

I believe I have a formatting problem in the query but I need a second set of eyes to help me please.

select @InsertSQL = ' Insert Into #ResultSet('
    +   'UserDomainMappingId,'
    +   'UserId,'
    +   'UserName,'
    +   'Domain,'
    +   'DomainName,'
    +   'LastUpdatedBy,'
    +   'LastUpdatedByName,'
    +   'LastUpdatedAt)'

select @SelectSQL = ' select '
    +   'UD.UserDomainMappingId,'
    +   'UD.UserId,'
    +   '(select FullName from Users where UserId = UD.UserId),'
    +   'UD.Domain,'
    +   '(select Name from ReferenceCodes RC where RC.Type = ''DOMAIN'' and RC.Code = ''' + @Domain + '''),'
    +   'UD.LastUpdatedBy,'
    +   '(select FullName from Users where UserId = UD.LastUpdatedBy),'
    +   'UD.LastUpdatedAt'                              

    select @FromSQL = ' from UserDomainMapping UD '

    select @WhereSQL = 'where UserDomainMappingId = UD.UserDomainMappingId '

I'm expecting:

the select for DomainName to work, as it does if I remove the quotes and hardcode the scaler, but it doesn't inside the dynamic sql. Any ideas? Thanks.

lakta 2019-07-03 22:14

Concatenating string in SQL has a tendency to NULL the result if any of the values is NULL. Made a little example you can try:

declare @A varchar(100), @B varchar(100), @C varchar(100)

set @A = 'a'
set @B = 'b'
set @C = @A + @B 
select @C --'ab' 

set @A = null
set @B = 'b'
set @C = @A + @B 
select @C --NULL 

set @A = 'a'
set @B = null
set @C = @A + @B 
select @C --NULL 

set @A = 'a'
set @B = null
set @C = @A + isnull(@B ,'')
select @C --'a'

So, basically you get an empty query, because @Domain is NULL. For that I suggest to use isnull(@Domain,'')