温馨提示:本文翻译自stackoverflow.com,查看原文请点击:ios - Xcode -FirebaseCore Lexical or preprocessor issue 'GoogleUtilities/GULAppEnvironmentUtil.h' file not
cocoapods ios swift xcode

ios - Xcode -FirebaseCore词汇或预处理程序问题“ GoogleUtilities / GULAppEnvironmentUtil.h”文件未出现

发布于 2020-03-27 10:25:09

我使用cocoapod版本/Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/cocoapods-1.7.3/lib/cocoapods.rbSwift 5和Xcode的10.2.1我清理了派生数据。

我刚刚更新到Swift 5(只是有一个可以支持MoJave的CPU),当我尝试构建项目时,我不断收到错误消息

FirebaseCore Lexical or preprocessor issue 'GoogleUtilities/GULAppEnvironmentUtil.h' file not found


看来是特别来自 Firebase/Core



为搜索做了一个cmmd+ 4,其他文件使用了它,但他们没有抱怨



$ pod deintegrate
$ pod clean
$ rm Podfile
$ pod init
$ pod install
$ pod repo remove master // also sudo rm -fr ~/.cocoapods/repos/master
$ pod repo update
$ pod setup
$ pod install
$ pod update



target 'MyApp' do
  # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks

  # Pods for MyApp

pod 'Stripe'

pod 'DLRadioButton', '~> 1.4'

pod 'GeoFire', :git => 'https://github.com/firebase/geofire-objc.git'

pod 'AFNetworking'

pod 'Alamofire'

pod 'SwiftyJSON'

pod 'SDWebImage'

pod 'Fabric'

pod 'Crashlytics'

pod 'KeychainSwift'

pod 'IQKeyboardManagerSwift'

pod 'HMSegmentedControl'

pod 'NKVPhonePicker'

pod 'FlagPhoneNumber'

pod 'MetalPetal'

pod "SwiftPhoneNumberFormatter"

pod 'CountryPickerView'

pod 'mailcore2-ios'

pod 'Cosmos'

pod 'GoogleInterchangeUtilities'
pod 'GoogleNetworkingUtilities'
pod 'GoogleParsingUtilities'
pod 'GoogleSymbolUtilities'
pod 'GoogleUtilities'

#pod 'Firebase'
pod 'Firebase/Core'
pod 'Firebase/Storage'
pod 'FirebaseInstanceID'
pod 'Firebase/Auth'
pod 'Firebase/Database'
pod 'Firebase/DynamicLinks'
pod 'Firebase/Crash'
pod 'Firebase/Messaging'

pod 'GooglePlacesAPI'
pod ‘GoogleMaps’
pod 'GooglePlaces'
pod 'GooglePlacePicker'

pod 'GoogleSignIn'
pod 'GoogleAnalytics'

pod 'ReachabilitySwift'

post_install do |installer|
    installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
        target.build_configurations.each do |config|
            config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = ‘5.0’



  - AFNetworking (3.2.1):
    - AFNetworking/NSURLSession (= 3.2.1)
    - AFNetworking/Reachability (= 3.2.1)
    - AFNetworking/Security (= 3.2.1)
    - AFNetworking/Serialization (= 3.2.1)
    - AFNetworking/UIKit (= 3.2.1)
  - AFNetworking/NSURLSession (3.2.1):
    - AFNetworking/Reachability
    - AFNetworking/Security
    - AFNetworking/Serialization
  - AFNetworking/Reachability (3.2.1)
  - AFNetworking/Security (3.2.1)
  - AFNetworking/Serialization (3.2.1)
  - AFNetworking/UIKit (3.2.1):
    - AFNetworking/NSURLSession
  - Alamofire (4.8.2)
  - Cosmos (19.0.3)
  - CountryPickerView (3.0.1)
  - Crashlytics (3.13.2):
    - Fabric (~> 1.10.2)
  - DLRadioButton (1.4.12)
  - Fabric (1.10.2)
- Firebase/Analytics (3.6.0):
    - FirebaseAnalytics (= 3.4.2)
  - Firebase/Auth (6.3.0):
    - Firebase/CoreOnly
    - FirebaseAuth (~> 6.1.2)
  - Firebase/Core (3.6.0):
    - Firebase/Analytics
  - Firebase/CoreOnly (6.3.0):
    - FirebaseCore (= 6.0.3)
  - Firebase/Crash (3.6.0):
    - Firebase/Analytics
    - FirebaseCrash (= 1.0.7)
  - Firebase/Database (6.3.0):
    - Firebase/CoreOnly
    - FirebaseDatabase (~> 6.0.0)
  - Firebase/DynamicLinks (6.3.0):
    - Firebase/CoreOnly
    - FirebaseDynamicLinks (~> 4.0.0)
  - Firebase/Messaging (3.6.0):
    - Firebase/Analytics
    - FirebaseMessaging (= 1.2.0)
  - Firebase/Storage (6.3.0):
    - Firebase/CoreOnly
    - FirebaseStorage (~> 3.2.1)
  - FirebaseAnalytics (3.4.2):
    - FirebaseInstanceID (~> 1.0)
    - GoogleInterchangeUtilities (~> 1.2)
    - GoogleSymbolUtilities (~> 1.1)
    - GoogleUtilities (~> 1.2)
  - FirebaseAnalyticsInterop (1.2.0)
  - FirebaseAuth (6.1.2):
    - FirebaseAuthInterop (~> 1.0)
    - FirebaseCore (~> 6.0)
    - GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 6.2)
    - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.2)
    - GTMSessionFetcher/Core (~> 1.1)
  - FirebaseAuthInterop (1.0.0)
  - FirebaseCore (6.0.3):
    - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.0)
    - GoogleUtilities/Logger (~> 6.0)
  - FirebaseCrash (1.0.7):
    - FirebaseAnalytics (~> 3.2)
    - FirebaseInstanceID (~> 1.0)
    - GoogleInterchangeUtilities (~> 1.2)
    - GoogleSymbolUtilities (~> 1.1)
    - GoogleUtilities (~> 1.2)
- FirebaseAnalyticsInterop (1.2.0)
  - FirebaseAuth (6.1.2):
    - FirebaseAuthInterop (~> 1.0)
    - FirebaseCore (~> 6.0)
    - GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 6.2)
    - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.2)
    - GTMSessionFetcher/Core (~> 1.1)
  - FirebaseAuthInterop (1.0.0)
  - FirebaseCore (6.0.3):
    - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.0)
    - GoogleUtilities/Logger (~> 6.0)
  - FirebaseCrash (1.0.7):
    - FirebaseAnalytics (~> 3.2)
    - FirebaseInstanceID (~> 1.0)
    - GoogleInterchangeUtilities (~> 1.2)
    - GoogleSymbolUtilities (~> 1.1)
    - GoogleUtilities (~> 1.2)
  - FirebaseDatabase (6.0.0):
    - FirebaseAuthInterop (~> 1.0)
    - FirebaseCore (~> 6.0)
    - leveldb-library (~> 1.18)
  - FirebaseDynamicLinks (4.0.0):
    - FirebaseAnalyticsInterop (~> 1.0)
    - FirebaseCore (~> 6.0)
  - FirebaseInstanceID (1.0.9)
  - FirebaseMessaging (1.2.0):
    - FirebaseAnalytics (~> 3.3)
    - FirebaseInstanceID (~> 1.0)
    - GoogleInterchangeUtilities (~> 1.2)
    - GoogleIPhoneUtilities (~> 1.2)
    - GoogleSymbolUtilities (~> 1.1)
  - FirebaseStorage (3.2.1):
    - FirebaseAuthInterop (~> 1.0)
    - FirebaseCore (~> 6.0)
    - GTMSessionFetcher/Core (~> 1.1)
  - FlagPhoneNumber (0.7.6):
    - FlagPhoneNumber/libPhoneNumberiOS (= 0.7.6)
  - FlagPhoneNumber/libPhoneNumberiOS (0.7.6)
  - GeoFire (3.0.0):
    - Firebase/Database (~> 6.0)
  - GoogleAnalytics (3.17.0)
  - GoogleInterchangeUtilities (1.2.2):
    - GoogleSymbolUtilities (~> 1.1)
  - GoogleIPhoneUtilities (1.2.1):
    - GoogleSymbolUtilities (~> 1.0)
    - GoogleUtilities (~> 1.0)
- GoogleMaps (3.1.0):
    - GoogleMaps/Maps (= 3.1.0)
  - GoogleMaps/Base (3.1.0)
  - GoogleMaps/Maps (3.1.0):
    - GoogleMaps/Base
  - GoogleNetworkingUtilities (1.2.2):
    - GoogleSymbolUtilities (~> 1.1)
  - GoogleParsingUtilities (1.1.2):
    - GoogleNetworkingUtilities (~> 1.2)
    - GoogleSymbolUtilities (~> 1.1)
  - GooglePlacePicker (3.1.0):
    - GoogleMaps (= 3.1.0)
    - GooglePlaces (= 3.1.0)
  - GooglePlaces (3.1.0):
    - GoogleMaps/Base (= 3.1.0)
  - GooglePlacesAPI (1.1.4):
    - Alamofire (~> 4)
    - ObjectMapper (~> 3)
  - GoogleSignIn (4.4.0):
    - "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments (~> 2.1)"
    - "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSString+URLArguments (~> 2.1)"
    - GTMSessionFetcher/Core (~> 1.1)
  - GoogleSymbolUtilities (1.1.2)
  - GoogleToolboxForMac/DebugUtils (2.2.1):
    - GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines (= 2.2.1)
  - GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines (2.2.1)
  - "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments (2.2.1)":
    - GoogleToolboxForMac/DebugUtils (= 2.2.1)
    - GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines (= 2.2.1)
    - "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSString+URLArguments (= 2.2.1)"
  - "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSString+URLArguments (2.2.1)"
  - GoogleUtilities (1.3.2):
    - GoogleSymbolUtilities (~> 1.1)
  - GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (6.2.1):
    - GoogleUtilities/Environment
    - GoogleUtilities/Logger
    - GoogleUtilities/Network
  - GoogleUtilities/Environment (6.2.1)
  - GoogleUtilities/Logger (6.2.1):
    - GoogleUtilities/Environment
  - GoogleUtilities/Network (6.2.1):
    - GoogleUtilities/Logger
    - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib"
    - GoogleUtilities/Reachability
  - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (6.2.1)"
- GoogleUtilities/Reachability (6.2.1):
    - GoogleUtilities/Logger
  - GTMSessionFetcher/Core (1.2.2)
  - HMSegmentedControl (1.5.5)
  - IQKeyboardManagerSwift (6.4.0)
  - KeychainSwift (16.0.1)
  - leveldb-library (1.20)
  - mailcore2-ios (0.6.4)
  - MetalPetal (1.4.4):
    - MetalPetal/Core (= 1.4.4)
  - MetalPetal/Core (1.4.4)
  - NKVPhonePicker (2.1.0)
  - ObjectMapper (3.5.1)
  - ReachabilitySwift (4.3.1)
  - SDWebImage (5.0.6):
    - SDWebImage/Core (= 5.0.6)
  - SDWebImage/Core (5.0.6)
  - Stripe (15.0.1)
  - SwiftPhoneNumberFormatter (1.5)
  - SwiftyJSON (5.0.0)

  - AFNetworking
  - Alamofire
  - Cosmos
  - CountryPickerView
  - Crashlytics
  - DLRadioButton (~> 1.4)
  - Fabric
  - Firebase/Auth
  - Firebase/Core
  - Firebase/Crash
  - Firebase/Database
  - Firebase/DynamicLinks
  - Firebase/Messaging
  - Firebase/Storage
  - FirebaseInstanceID
  - FlagPhoneNumber
  - GeoFire (from `https://github.com/firebase/geofire-objc.git`)
  - GoogleAnalytics
  - GoogleInterchangeUtilities
  - GoogleMaps
  - GoogleNetworkingUtilities
  - GoogleParsingUtilities
  - GooglePlacePicker
  - GooglePlaces
  - GooglePlacesAPI
  - GoogleSignIn
  - GoogleSymbolUtilities
  - GoogleUtilities
  - HMSegmentedControl
  - IQKeyboardManagerSwift
  - KeychainSwift
  - mailcore2-ios
  - MetalPetal
  - NKVPhonePicker
  - ReachabilitySwift
  - SDWebImage
  - Stripe
  - SwiftPhoneNumberFormatter
  - SwiftyJSON

    - AFNetworking
    - Alamofire
    - Cosmos
    - CountryPickerView
    - Crashlytics
    - DLRadioButton
    - Fabric
    - Firebase
    - FirebaseAnalytics
    - FirebaseAnalyticsInterop
    - FirebaseAuth
    - FirebaseAuthInterop
    - FirebaseCore
    - FirebaseCrash
    - FirebaseDatabase
    - FirebaseDynamicLinks
    - FirebaseInstanceID
    - FirebaseMessaging
    - FirebaseStorage
    - FlagPhoneNumber
    - GoogleAnalytics
    - GoogleInterchangeUtilities
    - GoogleIPhoneUtilities
    - GoogleMaps
    - GoogleNetworkingUtilities
    - GoogleParsingUtilities
    - GooglePlacePicker
    - GooglePlaces
    - GooglePlacesAPI
    - GoogleSignIn
    - GoogleSymbolUtilities
    - GoogleToolboxForMac
    - GoogleUtilities
    - GTMSessionFetcher
    - HMSegmentedControl
    - IQKeyboardManagerSwift
    - KeychainSwift
    - leveldb-library
    - mailcore2-ios
    - MetalPetal
    - NKVPhonePicker
    - ObjectMapper
    - ReachabilitySwift
- SDWebImage
    - Stripe
    - SwiftPhoneNumberFormatter
    - SwiftyJSON

    :git: https://github.com/firebase/geofire-objc.git



Lance Samaria
Lance Samaria 2019-07-03 23:04

我跑了过去$ sudo gem which cocoapods,说我使用的版本是cocoapods-1.7.3幸运的是,我的旧计算机上仍旧有旧版本的cocoapods,可以正常工作cocoapods-1.5.3



$ sudo gem uninstall cocoapod // uninstall current version
$ sudo gem install cocoapods -v 0.25.0 // install the older version that was working
$ sudo gem which cocoapods // check the updated version


$ rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/CocoaPods
$ rm -rf Pods
$ rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
$ pod deintegrate
$ pod clean
$ rm Podfile
$ pod cache clean --all

3-运行$ pod init创建Podfile后,打开它,并确保我在Xcode项目中使用的最低版本与Podfile中的最低版本匹配,并且我还将其添加install! 'cocoapods', :deterministic_uuids => falsePod文件根目录中

# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '12.0' // my Xcode project has a minimum target of iOS 12

install! 'cocoapods', :deterministic_uuids => false // this line should be written before the target line with the project name below

target 'MyProjectName' do
  1. 完成上述操作后,我继续运行,pod install但出现错误消息:

[!] CocoaPods找不到Podfile“ Firebase / Crash”的兼容版本:在Podfile中:Firebase/Crash找到满足依赖性的Firebase / Crash规范,但是它们需要更高的最低部署目标。

在我的pod文件中,我注释掉了Firebase / Crash

$ #Firebase/Crash

5-之后我跑了,pod install我也跑pod update了,我的问题中的错误消失了:

$ pod install
$ pod update

FirebaseCore Lexical or preprocessor 'GoogleUtilities/GULAppEnvironmentUtil.h' file not found终于解决了,虽然我像其他一些错误'NBPhoneNumberDesc.h' file not found,这是已经存在,但这些都是我用来摆脱这种GoogleUtilities一个步骤。