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hadoop hive

failed during adding a partition in hive external tables

发布于 2020-03-29 12:46:01

im trying to create a simple external table in hive cli and I got an error while creating a partition. I have searched on google, but I was not able to get a proper result. Can you please help

hive (sampledb)> create external table externalhive(id int,name varchar(100),age tinyint,city varchar(100),state varchar(100)) partitioned by (year string)
            > row format delimited fields terminated by '/t' stored as textfile location '/user/ah12x/external';                                      
Time taken: 0.169 seconds
hive (sampledb)> show tables;

hive (sampledb)> alter table externalhive add partition (year ='2014')
            > location ('/2012');                                  
FAILED: ParseException line 2:9 extraneous input '(' expecting StringLiteral near '<EOF>'
Anish Gopinath
serge_k 2020-01-31 16:19