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Accumulating by date

发布于 2020-03-27 10:15:25

I would like know how many animals will show up on a specific day. This chart describes people register their animals in advance.

For instance, at 7 days ahead, someone registered for their 4 cats to show up on 5/3/2019; at 6 days ahead, another 9 cats are registered for 5/3/2019. So there will be 7+6=13 cats showing up on 5/3/2019.

When days_ahead = 0, it simply means someone registered on the event day. For instance, 4 wolves registered for 5/1/2019 on 5/1/2019 (0 days ahead), and there will be 4 wolves that day.


animal = c(rep('cat', 5), rep('dog', 6), rep('wolf', 3))
date = sample(seq(as.Date("2019/5/1"), as.Date('2019/5/10'), by='day'), 14, replace=TRUE)
days_ahead = sample(seq(0,14), 14, replace=FALSE)
number = sample.int(10, 14, replace=TRUE)

dt = data.frame(animal, date, days_ahead, number) %>% arrange(animal, date)

The expected outcome should have the same 1-3 columns as the example, but the fourth column should be an accumulated number by each date, accumulating on days_ahead.

I added an expected outcome here. The comments are used to explain the accumulated_number column.

enter image description here

I've considered loop function but not entirely sure how to loop over three variables (cat, date, and days_ahead). Any advice is appreciated!!

Rachel Zhang
Cole 2019-07-03 21:13

The accumulated_number is somewhat easy with cumsum(). See this link for your comments field:

Cumulatively paste (concatenate) values grouped by another variable

  mutate(accumulated_number = cumsum(number)
         ,comments = Reduce(function(x1, x2) paste(x1, x2, sep = '+'), as.character(number), accumulate = T)

Also, my dataset is slightly different than yours with the same seed. Still, it seems to work.

# A tibble: 14 x 6
   animal date       days_ahead number accumulated_number comments
   <fct>  <date>          <int>  <int>              <int> <chr>   
 1 cat    2019-05-03         10      9                  9 9       
 2 cat    2019-05-04          6      4                  4 4       
 3 cat    2019-05-06          8      5                  5 5       
 4 cat    2019-05-09          5      4                  4 4       
 5 cat    2019-05-10         13      6                  6 6       
 6 dog    2019-05-01          0      2                  2 2       
 7 dog    2019-05-03          3      5                  5 5       
 8 dog    2019-05-07          1      7                  7 7       
 9 dog    2019-05-07          9      8                 15 7+8     
10 dog    2019-05-09         12      2                  2 2       
11 dog    2019-05-10          7      9                  9 9       
12 wolf   2019-05-02         14      5                  5 5       
13 wolf   2019-05-03         11      8                  8 8       
14 wolf   2019-05-07          4      9                  9 9