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apache-spark databricks

How to show all tables in all databases in Databricks

发布于 2021-01-04 03:45:10

The following can be used to show table in the current schema or a specified schema respectively:

show tables;

show tables in my_schema;

This documented here: https://docs.databricks.com/spark/latest/spark-sql/language-manual/show-tables.html

Is there a way to show all table in all databases?

Are there metadata tables in Databricks/Spark (similar to the all_ or dba_ tables in Oracle or the information_schema in MySql)? Is there a way to do more specific queries about database objects in Databricks? Something like this:

select * from i_dont_know_what where lower(table_name) like '%gold%' and schema = 'myschema';
Som 2020-08-31 10:59

Can't you use spark catalog apis on databricks? please try this-

val tuples: Map[String, String] = spark.catalog.listDatabases().collect().flatMap(db =>
      spark.catalog.listTables(db.name).collect().map(x => (db.name, x.name))